Announced release date of Flashpoint and Season Pass


Battletech: Flashpoint will be released on November 27th.Battletech: Flashpoint will be released on November 27th.

Harbrained Schemes and Paradox Interactive will provide new content to the strategy game Mech & # 39; Battletech & # 39; based on the round, at least until 2019. With the announced Season Pass, you will get the next three extensionsThere is also a release date and price for the first of the DLCs: Flashpoint.

History of the Round Strategy (Plus Report)

Release date of Flashpoint

Flashpoint announced the developer a moment ago. The first DLC for Battletech adds three new "Mechs", a new mission type and a new card type to the game. And now we also know the release date and price: from the November 28 new content is available for 17.99 euros. The new patch 1.3 should also appear.

Flash points are non-repeatable mini-campaigns in the Battletech universe. Here, you will be entangled in the machinations of politicians, find old technology and try to collect premium Zhao twins. The game must always confront you with decisions that influence the course of these stories.

The next two extensions

We do not know much about the second and third extensions right now. In the summer of 2019, with another update Battletech: the urban war appear. The third package of content will follow at an unknown date.

After Flashpoint arrives in the summer of 2019 Urban Warfare. The third DLC has no date yet.After Flashpoint arrives in the summer of 2019 Urban Warfare. The third DLC has no date yet.

Urban Warfare focuses, as its name indicates, on the Fight in the citiesMost likely we will have maps of the city with her. The missing players of Battletech currently. Here, the game already included in Urban Mech could gain in importance. Harebrained Schemes also promises new fighting machines and game mechanics.

About third DLC For the moment, we only know that it will come. That was it then. Paradox Interactive has not given any name, price or description of the content.

Season Pass and Mercenary Collection Awards

On the other hand, we know the price of the Season Pass. Steam costs 49.99 euros. It is also until October 26 20% reduced and to have for 39.99 euros. In addition to Flashpoint, it also includes Urban Warfare and the third unknown development.

No more sandbox on the sandy beach – Our overview at Battletech: Flashpoint

If you do not have Battletech yet, you can also use the Merclet Battletech Collection Buy. This includes the deluxe digital version of the main program and – you guessed it – the Season Pass. A total of 89.99 euros, you must go to bed for the package.

Season Pass, Mercenary Collection and Flashpoint are not only available on Steam, but also on GOG and the Humble Store.

Already ready for new "Mechs": Modders integrates Unseen into Battletech

Battletech: Flashpoint - The trailer shows a new Mech DLC with a melee ax


Battletech: Flashpoint – The trailer shows a new Mech DLC with a melee ax

Battletech: Flashpoint – See screenshots

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