Appraisal: Messe Düsseldorf pays a high dividend


Düsseldorf –

Messe Düsseldorf pays nearly 44% of its annual net profit of 55 million euros. euros for 2017 to its shareholders. This was decided by the Supervisory Board and the shareholders' meeting on Monday.

The city of Dusseldorf is particularly pleased with the dividend of 24 million euros. It directly owns 56.5% of the trade fair and, indirectly, an additional 20% as the sole shareholder of the promoter and real estate project manager Industrieterrains Düsseldorf-Reisholz AG, which participates in the fair for the corresponding amount. Another 20% of the dividend – or 4.8 million euros – will be donated to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia according to its share. Handwerkskammer and IHK Dusseldorf hold smaller shares of 1.75% each in the Düsseldorf showroom.

The whole group converted last year 367 (2016: 443) million euros. "With a return on turnover of 15%, we support our position as the most profitable company with its own site in Europe," said Werner M. Dornscheidt, CEO of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, in the annual review.

Dornscheidt was also satisfied with foreign affairs. Group, which has made about 70 million euros outside of Germany. The foreign share of total sales thus went from 16.5% (2016) to just over 19%, said the boss of the show. The most dynamic markets remain Russia (with 33.3 million euros) and China (with 14.8 million euros). In the coming years, the share of sales abroad will increase again to 25%.

Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, which is part of the group as a whole, had a less regular evolution in 2017 than in the previous year – the particularly important Drupa and K fairs took place in 2016, but not in 2017. With 340 million euros, however, 13 percent more sales were made last year than expected, according to the fair. The biggest contributors to sales in the past year have been interpack, EuroShop, Medica, A + A, boot and ProWein. At the internal events at the Düsseldorf Exhibition Center, the exhibition space rented and the number of exhibitors and trade visitors increased compared to previous events. The annual result of the GmbH of 57 million euros represents a special non-recurring effect of 4.5 million euros on the sale of shares of the company Igedo, organizer of fairs in the sector of the fashion. For the current year, which is also a weaker event year, the fair expects sales to fall to around 272 million euros.

At the heart of the current modernization of the Düsseldorf Exhibition Center is the new construction of the south entrance and hall 1. An investment of 140 million euros is planned for this purpose. The completion and commissioning are scheduled for the third quarter of 2019.

Investment race

The two main exhibition sites of NRW in Cologne and Düsseldorf ] will deliver a $ 1 billion modernization race over the next few years. In addition to the construction of a garage, the renovation program aims to renovate the exhibition spaces.

The Cologne Fair had already announced at the beginning of the year its intention to invest "more than 600 million euros" by 2030. For the In the same period, Messe Düsseldorf announced Monday modernization expenses for its site of about 650 million euros.

The two fairs also invest in digitization: Cologne opens a campus for young founders on the exhibition grounds and pays a mentor to help them establish contacts with businesses and investors. The digital display in cooperation with the Korean manufacturer Samsung is intended to provide entertainment and information on the exhibition grounds, but also to provide advertising opportunities, from which the show promises revenue. Düsseldorf intends to digitally transform the company and has provided all the exhibition space in WLAN in the spring of 2018. Digital services are intended to "intensify and expand the media experience" at the company. 39; future.

In addition, the two operating companies announced a further expansion of their activities abroad. (wif, cos)

The Düsseldorf Fair

At events in Düsseldorf, more than 28,000 exhibitors presented their products to 1.35 million trade visitors during the 2017 year. There were also more than half a million congress visitors.

With about 50 trade fairs in the five areas of competence of machinery, plant and equipment; Trade, crafts and services; Medicine and health; Lifestyle, beauty and recreation, Messe Düsseldorf is one of the leading export platforms in the world. 74 foreign representations form the world network of the group of companies

Customers from 180 countries have visited trade fairs in the state capital in 2017. (wif)

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