Aspirin is intended to help against dementia: painkillers wake up cleaning cells in the brain – dementia


The popular aspirin seems to do more than relieve the pain. A new study in mice indicates that the drug could also be used in the fight against dementia

. This confirms the research team at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. The results of previous studies Neurologists have examined the relationship between aspirin and an Alzheimer's Risk

The painkiller has great potential

Kalipada Pahan, the main author of The study says, "There is currently no effective treatment that could prevent or stop the disease." Pahan was now able to show that the painkiller has great potential.

A small dose of aspirin could reduce the protein deposits in the brain that lead to Alzheimer's disease. Because aspirin triggers a chemical chain reaction: it activates an active ingredient called PPARα. This in turn activates the TFEB protein, which stimulates the production of so-called lysosomes. These are cleansing cells that destroy harmful proteins in the brain.

The brain could be rid of protein deposits

The hippocampus, the gray matter in the brain, responsible for memory could be released from protein deposits. Sara Imarisio, senior researcher at the Alzheimer Research Center in the UK, said about the study done by her US counterparts: "This study provides important insights into the mechanisms of Alzheimer's disease. Aspirin could affect brain health.However, this is only a small study in mice and it is too early to draw conclusions as to whether aspirin can also to be used to treat Alzheimer's disease in humans. "

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