Barry Callebaut at a slower pace


Barry Callebaut increased sales volume and sales during the first nine months of the fiscal year. (Archive)


Barry Callebaut has not progressed as rapidly in the third quarter of the 2017/18 fiscal year as in previous quarters .

However, the world's largest chocolate producer continues to grow even stronger than the market and has confirmed the medium-term goals. Investors are pleased to answer

Barry Callebaut (BC) increased his chocolate volume down 6.9% to 1.512 million tonnes in early September 2017 until the end of May 2018, the company announced Friday. This means that British Columbia has again grown much faster than the market. The global chocolate market grew by only 2.5% during this period

Sales decreased 0.2% year-on-year to 5.18 billion Swiss francs due to price of cocoa. From this, however, only limited conclusions about profitability can be drawn, as BC can largely pass on changes in commodity prices to customers.

With volume and revenue figures reached, BC has almost confirmed analysts' expectations. Experts surveyed by AWP recorded volume growth of 6.9% and a turnover of 5.24 billion Swiss francs.

CEO Antoine de Saint-Affrique is pleased with the announcement: "After the very good performance In the first half of this year, we also recorded a strong momentum in the third quarter, driven by all the main drivers of growth, regions and product groups. "

Expiring effects slow down Q3 growth

Following an 8% rise in two quarters, British Columbia continued to grow 4.8% in the third quarter This is mainly due to growth factors expiring since last year.In recent months, the positive volume effects of acquisitions and major outsourcing contracts with Mondelez and Garuda have significantly decreased.

In terms of volume, British Columbia grew in all regions and product groups, with EMEA the largest and most important in Europe. e (Europe, Middle East and Africa), sales volumes increased by 8.1% to 695,214 tonnes. Volumes also increased significantly in the Americas, up by 5.3% and 14.9%, respectively

Sales volumes of the Global Cocoa business unit, where British Columbia sells materials first cocoa, rose by almost 5% Percentage to 337,763 tons. Sales decreased 8.5% to 1.4 billion Swiss francs due to lower prices for cocoa products. Among the product groups, the Gourmet & Specialty Products segment increased the most strongly by 7.8 percent to 184,324.

Strong rise in cocoa prices

In terms of raw material prices, prices of cocoa beans averaged 12.2% year on year below the average prices of the previous year. In the first nine months of the 2017/18 fiscal year, they increased by almost 20% due to lower cocoa production, demand and speculation.

The company confirms the medium-term objectives of annual sales growth of 4 to 6% Growth of EBIT in local currencies in line with this growth.

Barry Callebaut has also created a good mood on the stock market. The company's share rose 2.9% after the launch of the stock market. After that, however, the stock still lost some of the profits. At noon, the paper was 0.9% higher than 1815 francs

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