Beatrice Egli: When it's stress, I'm alone on a mountain



The successful star in an interview
Beatrice Egli: When I'm stressed I go alone on a mountain

  The thirties made a steep career and travel a lot - only too well "title =" The thirty-year-old has had a blistering career and travels a lot - she knows too well the moments of life that you really have to do do not think about it to you.

Photo: Anita Bresser / Universal Music

The 30-year-old has had a steep career and is often on the road – she knows all too well the moments of life when one really only thinks that she's in her thirties. ;to oneself. [19659007] Nobody reached her: she turned the victory of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" into a real career.

In March, the current album "guarantee of well-being" – which for Beatrice Egli is the private Wohlfühlgarantie she betrayed IMAGE OF WOMEN interview . The animated blonde is a sign of Gemini stars and still single. She lives in Pfäffikon (canton of Zurich) and was 30 on 21 June. "If Heaven So Wants It", the first solo album of the 2003 American Idol laureate, appeared ten years ago.

Beatrice Egli on her welfare guarantee

BILD der FRAU: Her CD entitled "Wohlfühlgarantie" – we all love it!

Beatrice Egli (laughs): Yes, that's it? In any case, my music will help me.

When are you relaxed?

When I'm on stage, in contact with the audience, or just making music for myself. These are times when I am totally with myself and where I can forget everything that touches me

Does this have anything to do with your Swiss origin?

The Swiss would be very rested. I also travel a lot in Germany and Austria. Well, I think the same pressure on performance prevails in all three countries. This being is always there, wherever you hear "I still have this, I still have that".

bad. I give everything, but make sure I get my time off. It takes moments in life where you really think only of yourself. This does not mean that you become antisocial

What do these moments look like?

I may get up at five in the morning and walk alone on the mountain. Or it can also be a day when the only walk I make is from the sofa to the fridge and to the back.

Beatrice Egli on Love

The only thing missing is the man who had this wonderful time sharing you, is not it?

That would be … But do not worry, I've had butterflies in my stomach from time to time. Unfortunately, they disappeared very quickly, because it is difficult to build a relationship by traveling a lot

Career or Love?

If that really fits, both are possible. I firmly believe that at some point I will meet this man with whom I can share my life. Until then, I just enjoy my freedom

How should this man be like this?

Very important: He should have a job for himself that fills him and makes him happy. And it must be romantic, I like kitsch and sunsets like great adventures. What is also important: honesty, spontaneity and a great sense of family. The appearance is rather secondary.

Beatrice Egli on the trip and her birthday

You travel a lot, is there anything that should always be there?

My purse. This is a case of survival (laughs) . It's all about chocolate, headphones, crisp bread, fruits, cosmetics and books. I think it weighs about 15 kilos.

So everything except light luggage. They will be at June 30, is there a big party?

We celebrate all year. On my 29th birthday, with my friends, we decided to organize a party every month until my thirties. I meet more often with my friends since. It's the best gift they can give me.


The fact: The pretty singer tried Already as an actress in the telenovela "Sturm der Liebe". Learn more about the colorful world of Schlager on our topic page.

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