He has always employed people. But what do we know about the moon, which is obscured by the shadow of the earth tonight?
For once, this means that the weather forecast is good. It promises a nice weather until Friday night – so you'll be able to see what's spectacular in the sky. It is a total lunar eclipse, in the vicinity of which there is a brightly luminous Mars. More the planet Saturn. Extraordinary this lunar eclipse is because it will take longer than an hour and 43 minutes in this still young age. However – it is the worst – when it is dark, it is already in full swing
A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon moves through the shadow of the earth, so that the earth between the sun and the moon. This can only happen when the sun is directly opposite to the moon, ie to the full moon. The fact that each full moon does not cause a lunar eclipse is due to the fact that the lunar orbit – its orbit – is a little twisted. Thus, only a maximum of three total lunar eclipses can be observed per year. The moon becomes reddish. The air envelope of the Earth scatters sunlight and filter. The red (long wave) part of the light passes better through the atmosphere, the blue is more strongly diffused to the molecules of the air.
The Moon – An Explanation from A to Z
Apollo 11:
July 20, 1969 the first man sets foot on the lunar surface. The landing is preceded by an ambitious race between the United States and the Soviet Union. At 4:35 pm Central European time, Neil Armstrong opens the hatch and goes down. Edwin Aldrin follows him.
Since Apollo astronauts have installed laser reflectors on the moon, the distance to the Earth can be measured accurately. It shows: The moon is moving away from the earth, in a hundred years of 38 meters. Today the lunar orbital ellipse measures 384400 kilometers.
He was the last person to leave his mark on the lunar surface. As commander of Apollo 17, Eugene Cernan sailed in December 1972 to the moon. He left the Earth satellite on December 14th. In addition, the late Cernan 2017 holds the unofficial lunar speed record. With the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV), he traveled 35 km on the lunar surface and reached a top speed of 18 km / h.
Almost a disaster occurred during the flight from Apollo 13 to the moon. Just under 56 hours after departure (at 13:13 local time in the control center in Houston) exploded one of the two oxygen tanks. Commander Jim Lovell then coined the word winged today: "Houston, we had a problem." Improvisation was necessary on the part of NASA: instead of landing on the satellite, Apollo 13 circled the moon and returned safely to the earth.
4.5 billion years ago, the moon formed from a cloud of debris.
The biggest puzzles for humans have always been the spots that can be seen at the naked eye. Is it a face? Or a living thing? In fact, the Terrae (continental) high plateaus dotted with craters and the dark Maria (seas) are plains full of washing – and all are dry
The gravity of the moon is responsible for the beginning and the end of the flow. tides. The moon produces two flood plains, one on the side facing the moon and one on the back. The two torrents slow down the rotating earth.
The control center for all lunar missions was in the city of Houston, Texas. The Saturn V rocket launch site was in Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Inner Life:
The volume of the moon is one fiftieth of the volume of the Earth, while the mass of the moon is only one and eighty-one. This means that the moon is lighter than the earth, presumably because it does not have an iron-nickel core as big as the earth.
Jewish Calendar:
The Jewish calendar is based on the phases of the moon. A normal year lasts 354 days, a leap year counts 384 days and is used to align with the solar year. The Jewish year begins in autumn and a calendar day in the evening. This Friday the 15th, Aw 5778 is written in the Jewish calendar
In the first billion years after its creation, the moon was subjected to a violent cosmic bombardment. This left deep marks on its surface.
In the old days, the prevailing view was that the moon influenced time and the spirit. The word "mood" comes from the Latin "luna" for moon. The "crazy" English means crazy.
Sea of Rest:
The "Mare Tranquillitatis" or Sea of Tranquility is a sea – dry – lunar of 876 km in diameter. In 1965, the Ranger 8 spacecraft struck there deliberately, after taking more than 7,000 pictures of the moon. On July 20, 1969, the first humans landed on the moon in the Sea of Rest (see Apollo 11).
Next year:
As early as next year, more precisely on January 21, 2019, a total lunar eclipse will be exhibited again in Switzerland. A partial lunar eclipse occurs on July 16, 2019 – the day exactly 50 years after the launch of Apollo 11.
In addition to the Earth, the other planets have one or more satellites. Most moons have Saturn at 79, followed by Saturn at 62. The largest satellite in the solar system is the moon of Jupiter Ganymede. With a diameter of 5262 km, it is larger than the planet Mercury. In addition to Mercury, Venus does not have a moon.
Because the earth has a strong attraction, the moon always turns on the same side. What does the back look like? Response from two Soviet spacecraft: There are fewer dark plains
Saturn V:
US lunar missions deployed the Saturn V rocket. The heavy bullet over 110 meters and almost 3000 tons was used 13 time – last time in May 1973.
Because neither the atmosphere nor the water attenuate the heat radiation, the moon cools down to 130 degrees heats up to over 120 degrees during the day.
There are several theories about the origin of the moon. It is favored since 1975, the statement that the moon is part of the earth split by a collision with a body the size of Mars.
During the last three Apollo missions, the Americans sent a lunar car. ) – on the satellite of the Earth. The electric drive vehicle was three meters long, was mainly aluminum and weighed 210 kg.
The formation of the moon is not completely clear. Most likely, the Earth was hit by a body the size of Mars in its infancy. Debris thrown into space could have formed a ring that would form the moon over millennia.
Yamato 791197:
On November 20, 1979, researchers from the Japan National Institute of Polar Research discovered in Antarctica the first lunar meteorite on Earth. The discovery entitled "Yamato 791197" weighed 52.4 grams
On Earth, the moon is illuminated differently. The extremes form the new moon and the full moon, the entire cycle lasts 27.3 days.
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