Bethesda puts the bonus on non-social players


Those who judge Fallout 76 badly should face serious consequences. To prevent spoilers from having a chance, Bethesda bets on the bonus on non-social players. The system is similar to the Wanted system of the GTA series and should ensure long-term better coexistence in the game. Unlike the AI ​​font in Grand Theft Auto, however, players will hunt down troublemakers.

As GameStar found out in an interview with Bethesda game director Todd Howard, there will be a bonus in Fallout 76 [acheter maintenant pour 54,99 €] as players bring down the antisocial troublemakers. Howard explains the system as follows: "Let's say that [der unsoziale Spieler] kills someone who does not really want a PvP fight, which is currently possible, even if it's very difficult, it could also change the level." and can do a lot of what normal players are allowed to do in this game, as well as to show his position to all other players and put a huge bonus on him. "

Howard compares himself to an epic boss on which all players can go.It was" very fun. "If the system can be used to receive big bonuses and then form teams, some of whom are players extra roll to free himself and serve as a source of money, must show in the future.

Howard is important, however that players find fair conditions and are not disgusted by the trolls in the game: "We do not want other players to spoil your fun – if you stopped playing because another player was playing like an asshole. If it was the worst thing for us, then we did some something wrong and have to find a way to deal with it. "

Fallout 76 will be released on November 14, 2018.


Fallout 76: Video for Nuclear Attack

Source: Gamestar

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