Between numbers and homework: Investors cling to Trump's lips


  US President Donald Trump with Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo

US President Donald Trump with Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo (Photo: REUTERS)

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The reporting season in Europe is accelerating. Optimism prevails, prices could increase. But concern over Trump's punitive tariffs could also put an end to the bill.

With the risk of emotional tweets or talks with US President Donald Trump, brokers will have to live in the foreseeable future. The only question is how they will affect the mood of buying investors.

Business profits are bubbling. In fact, investors could expect price gains in the new week. "The first results have not yet fully convinced us, but we assume the positive results during the reporting season," said analyst Alexander Lokat of Weberbank. "However, our eyes are mainly on business prospects and how important trade disputes have or how future growth is estimated."

Over the past week, the Frankfurt Dax Index and the Dow Jones New York Index, although an easy total too. On Friday, however, US President Donald Trump frightened investors with his threat of tariffs on virtually all Chinese imports.

The trade dispute should be back on the agenda this week. [Mercredi] The President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker meets Trump in Washington. And finally, the tariffs threatened by Trump are likely to affect cars.

As the EU prepares countermeasures for possible additional duties on car imports, Neil Wilson, Chief Analyst of Online Broker. "That it is the outbreak of a real trade war, we can discuss, but the probability increases day by day."

Only the first German stock market league of the new week puts half a dozen companies before the interim balance sheets. These include Daimler (Wednesday) and industrial gas manufacturer Linde which is held prior to the merger with its American rival Praxair. Daimler had been Dax's first group in June because of the revised trade dispute its profit targets.

published Wednesday Deutsche Bank detailed business figures, having already announced a surprisingly high profit the previous week. Germany's largest financial institution also wrote again negative headlines: a $ 75 million fine against the US Securities Exchange on two subsidiaries of Deutsche Bank. This is not the first expensive legal litigation for the financial giant. The reason in this case: prohibited business practices.

Overseas in the new week open Google mother alphabet (Monday), the Swiss bank UBS (Tuesday) and [Coca-Cola (Wednesday) their books

Barely economic data – The ECB in sight

Economic data are scarce on the calendar. It is true that US economic growth doubled to 4% in the second quarter, projected for the entire year. Part of it, however, goes to the account of favorite companies before imposing punitive tariffs, economists said. Thus, the recovery should weaken further in the coming quarters.

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