Billy Idol and Steve Stevens – or better the reverse


In a burly auditorium of Stravinsky, British rock musician Billy Idol was hailed on Thursday night as one of the greats of the 52nd Montreux Jazz Festival. In fact, his concert was a great show by Steve Stevens

  The guitarist Steve Stevens with rock musician Billy Idol on Thursday night at the Montreux VD Montreux Stravinski Auditorium. (Image: Flusin)

The guitarist Steve Stevens with rock musician Billy Idol Thursday night at the Montreux VD Stravinski Auditorium. (Photo: Flusin)


The American guitarist, who has been working for Billy Idol for almost 40 years, was a longer time than the singer. What served the latter. After all, Idol needed a break after every second or third song to get a leather jacket after another. Notabene on the bare belly.

But even though the band was full, Stevens, dressed in leather and animal print, stood out. And it was not because of his black nails or his vaporized hair. The 59-year-old has delivered a one-man show beyond comparison, whose idol has often made the marginal figure. For example, when he knelt down as a humble admirer and touched Stevens, as if he wanted to exploit his power.

And yet, the public was celebrating its Billy Idol, the big star of the 80s, who was talking at the time with "Rebel Yell" Faceless Eyes "or" Dancing With Myself "timeless blows have landed, duly. And found the closed fist and the almost magical gestures rather charming than a "shock to the system." Rightly …

An hour later, it was barely possible to spot the scene Stravinski at a short distance.Because once in his life, a large audience wanted to share space with Hollywood star Johnny Depp – and in this case all the vampires of Hollywood.If only for only one rock concert.

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