Bitcoin & Co. – Crypto-flights tripled | new


More than $ 760 million of cryptocurrency was stolen from the markets in the first half, nearly three times as much as in 2017, CipherTrace said in its first quarterly report on the subject. CipherTrace is a Blockchain security company based in Menlo Park, California that works with more than 40 companies and governments to track cryptographic transactions.

The current market value of the top 100 cryptocurrencies is about $ 270 billion, according to dollars. Services that launder dirty money are widely used, according to CipherTrace, and some have even advertised via Google AdWords. "This general market expansion has spawned a new generation of cybercriminals that did not exist 15 months ago," said David Jevans, general manager of the company

. a door opens. The regulators said that many exchanges and start-ups that issue new coins still do not do enough to verify the identity of their customers and to ensure that users do not steal funds. Users who buy and sell coins are usually represented by anonymous addresses.

Meanwhile, many exchanges have security holes. Cryptocurrencies, once stolen, can often not be returned and even less traced to thieves.

"It's a lot easier to steal than banks," said Jevans. According to him, regulators around the world are likely to take action against crypto money laundering. While this may be beneficial to investors, some coins may suffer. "There will be small coins that will escape trade because it will be difficult to track transactions," he said.


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