Bloody Ninja fighting with vomited creatures


Katanas, Bone Weapons and Puking Creatures: "Sekiro: Shadows The Twice" catapults players to the Sengoku era. The title is notably at the end of the 16th century in Japan and should appear early 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Publisher is Activision.

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Behind the game is Software, known for video games where hardcore gamers bite their teeth: "Demon's Souls," "Bloodborne "and" Dark Souls ". The new title puts players in the role of a cool-blooded warrior whose mission is to rescue his master, a young noble, while taking revenge on his sworn enemy. As "Sekiro, the one-armed wolf", we start the battle.

"A Hard Gameplay"

For hardcore gamers, "Sekiro: Shadows The Twice" is more than a simple game. On this lie the hopes of finally having a worthy successor in the genre , after the end of the trilogy "Dark Souls", "Bloodborne 2" waits and competing titles like "Nioh" are rare. The promise of developers sounds like music in their ears: "Fans will recognize the hard gameplay of in which the fight is the top priority."

Hidetaka Miyazaki, developer at From Software, recently commented on the game in a detailed interview. He explained that the resurrection of death will be part of the gameplay. "My idea of ​​a ninja fight is that ninjas can not really do a lot of damage," he says. But he says: "The resurrection system has not been introduced to make the game easier." He describes the gameplay as "cutting edge".

The first contiguous gameplay will be shown next month. Visitors to the PSX Southeast Asia will have the opportunity to play in mid-August.

(The Essential / Red)

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