Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: Presentation of multiplayer beta tests on PC, PS4 and Xbox One


Treyarch has announced several Call of Duty beta tests: Black Ops 4: a private multiplayer beta in August and a private private beta (Battle Royale) in September. PlayStation players will be the first to have access to the closed multiplayer beta version during an exclusive beta weekend, scheduled Aug. 18 at 6 pm.

"The private beta will be open to those who love Black Ops 4 en PlayStation 4 and give them the opportunity to try the revolutionary fight, the fluid gameplay, our Pick 10 system, the new equipment and the shipments, as well as explosive tactical moves "
he says.

In addition to private beta testing, the August 10th and August 13th test will also take place on PC and Xbox One. "Early access to the multiplayer beta for PC will be unlocked on at 7:00 pm CST on August 10 for players who have secured the game in advance, with open beta multiplayer for PC from The next day, August 11 at 19:00 CEST and ending August 13 at 19:00 CEST " is the announcement of

John Rafacz, Director of Communications and Social Media Treyarch writes on the PlayStation blog: "Specialists mix the battle with special equipment and disruptive weapons, and each player chooses a specialist in a single team: Recon , Crash, Battery, Torque, Ruin, Seraph, Ajax, Firebreak Nomad and Prophet Specialist skills can be combined with a tactical team game for creative and eye-catching gameplay .The discovery of unique and powerful uses Of various skills and specialized weapons is one of the many reasons for the specification of ialists during beta testing.Even as a lone wolf, you can be a master of the Call of Duty.However, combine all the different capabilities in team is a great way to unleash power. "

Private multiplayer beta includes Match to mor game modes In Teams, Hardpoint, Domination, Control, and Search and Destroy By attacking or defending targets, each team has a respawn limit, wins three wins first, wins and all private beta modes will be available on four cards: Frequency , Smuggling, Seaside and Payload

PlayStation players will receive two new cards, which will be reintroduced into the multiplayer rotation of Black Ops 4: Hacienda and Gridlock. With the beta, we wanted to offer a wide choice of cards for different types of players: vertical for long distance experts, tight turns and melee areas and players with rifle and many open spaces and blankets for veterans d & # 39; assault. explains John Rafacz

"The multiplayer beta will begin on August 3, 2018 on PS4, and the actual platform availability and release dates for the multiplayer beta and beta versions can be changed. Information, visit minimum duration of the beta is 3 days.For limited duration, within the limit of stocks available for beta codes, available from participating retailers. is needed. "

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