Case about Erdogan photo: Mesut Özil resigns from the DFB team


"With a heavy heart and a lot of thought, I will no longer play for Germany internationally because of recent events, as long as I feel this feeling of racism and disrespect."

With these words, Mesut Özil leaves German football

"As the German Football Association and others have treated, the result is that I no longer want to wear the jersey German national, "says the 29-year-old.

Grindel acts as the initiator

his third of a total of three statements that Özil posts on Twitter during Sunday. And definitely the hardest. For example, he believes with the president of the association Reinhard Grindel (56): "I will not defend his incapacity to do his job."

"In the eyes of Grindel and his followers, I am German only We win," complains the 29-year-old, "if we lose, I am an immigrant."

"I wonder, "said Özil," why, despite the world title in 2014, despite the payment of German taxes, despite the funding German educational institutions and although they are honored with the "Bambi Award 2010" for l & rsquo; Exemplary integration in German society are still treated differently. "

" My friends Lukas Podolski and Miroslav Klose are never considered German-Polish ", he compares," why am I constantly called a German Turk? "

Other German personalities are also being made, so you can see the views of Grindels, for example, in SPD politician Bernd Holzhauer, who called because of the photo as "Ziegenfi ​​****." Or Werner Steer, the director of the theater re, who said that Özil should "sell" to Anatolia

Özil breaks his silence for a week in the case with a photo with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan (64) He took a break two months ago in London.

Above all, the time of the photo, especially during the Turkish election campaign, had made a great noise, culminating in a controversial discussion about his personality

  Here is the picture: Özil (à g .) With Turkish President Erdogan

This is the photo: Özil (left) With Turkish President Erdogan.

No remorse for Erdogan-Bild

"It is clear to me that the photo of me and Erdogan caused an uproar in the German press," writes the German with Turkish roots in a first message. "Even if some people want to accuse me of lying and duplicity, this photo had no political intention.The photo with Erdogan concerned the highest post in the country of my family."

Özil continued "Whether it is the Turkish President or the German President, my actions would not have been different." He however understood that it is difficult to understand.

Settlement with the association and the sponsors

In a second message, the media and the sponsors, who criticized him for turning his back on the photo of the company. Erdogan and turned away from him, arrived at the pass. Even at the DFB, he does not leave beautiful hair.

Finally, the association had done nothing against it, which had taken Mercedes-Benz in the wake of the Erdogan case of a Cup advertising campaign of the world. While the DFB had demanded a public statement from him for the photo, Mercedes should not have stood up for the 2013 emissions scandal. "

" Why? "Ask the midfielder," what does the DFB have to say? Even Lothar Matthäus would not have had to justify himself during the World Cup for a photo with Vladimir Putin.

"The Racist Media"

After Erdogan's painting, Özil was literally dragged into the mud by the German media landscape. This is due exclusively to its origin, accuses the 2014 world champion. Özil continues: Some newspapers would abuse its origin and the photo to make propaganda of the right in the sense of a political cause.

He finds disappointing that the poor performance of the German team at the World Cup (playoff) not his athletic performance, not the team's performance, but his Turkish descent was blamed.

Özil remained silent during the World Cup. Also, when Ilkay Gundogan (27), who was also photographed with Erdogan, told the media, he was restrained. After the World Cup vacation, but enough is silent.

He draws the consequences of a public tirade against his person – and for a failed crisis management of the DFB. (sih)

Posted on 22.07.2018 | Last updated 6 minutes ago

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