Cellular radiation makes young people forgetful – soaktuell.ch


High frequency electromagnetic fields, which occur with the use of mobile phones, have a negative effect on memory performance under certain conditions. This is the result of a one-year study conducted in Switzerland with nearly 700 young people aged 12 to 17, led by the Swiss Institute of Tropical Health and Public Health. (Swiss TPH) http://swisstph.ch. Details have been published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.


The cumulative RF-EMF exposure of the brain to cell phones for more than a year has a negative impact on the development of FGM in adolescents, warn researchers. This confirms the results of 2015. Figural memory is mainly located in the right hemisphere, and the influence of HF-EMF was more pronounced among teens who were also using their cell phone on the right side of the head.

The electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the brain is responsible for the observed relationships, "says Martin Röösli, Head of Environment and Health Unit of Swiss TPH. Other aspects of wireless communication, such as sending text messages, playing games or surfing the Internet, cause low levels of brain radiation and have nothing to do with the development of memory, according to the scientist. The phone is therefore the most stressful

Additional research is needed

"A unique feature of this study is the use of user data collected objectively from the mobile operators, "explains Röösli. He points out that further research is needed to rule out the influence of other factors. "For example, the results of the study may have been influenced by puberty, which affects both mobile phone use and participant behavior and cognitive abilities."

Icon picture Stephanie Hofschlaeger / pixelio.de

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