Suddenly, all around: Chrome in the design of new materials screenshot: Watson
How smartphone and PC users allow "Material Design" in Chrome
Google has long worked on a new look for desktop version and improved navigation for the mobile version of its browser. So you can test the future "Material Design" today.
Since Tuesday, Google is deploying the latest version of Chrome. At first glance, Chrome 68 looks like what we have been doing for years. But well hidden in the settings is an option that activates the parts of the new material design.
On the desktop, Chrome looks more rounded in its new look, like the address bar (search box) and the tabs have a rounded appearance. Overall, however, the changes are still limited. Much more drastic are the innovations in the iPhone version.
Chrome with a new look on the desktop
Tabs and the search field are rounded, the left-most + opens a new tab screenshot: watson
current version
capture d & Screen: watson
New navigation for iPhone users
On the iPhone, Google moves the front and back buttons to the bottom of the screen, which facilitates the Even use on large smartphones can reach from one hand. Access to open tabs, settings, and a new search button has also been moved, as has been the case for other mobile browsers for a long time. Microsoft, for example, has placed navigation since the beginning of its still relatively young browser for iOS and Android.
Chrome in a new look on the iPhone
The controls are now at the bottom of the screen. neowin
Settings, history, bookmarks, etc. can be accessed via navigation down bild: neowin
How to Enable Material Design on Your Desktop and Smartphone
Do not Forget: Before To Activate Parts Of The New Theme, Chrome Should Be updated with the latest version.
Chrome Desktop:
- Navigate to: chrome: // flags / # top-chrome-md (copy in address bar)
- For "User Interface Layout chrome browser, set default Change Refresh
- Restart Chrome
Chrome Android
- Go to: chrome: // flags / # top-chrome-md (copy to address bar )
- Search "chrome modern design" and select option "enabled"
- Restart Chrome
Chrome iOS
- Go to: chrome: // flags / # top-chrome-md (copy in the address bar)
- Search for "UI Refresh Phase 1" and select the option "enabled"
- Restart Chrome
Apparently, Chrome 68 for Android does not yet contain the design
A Reddit user posted a video that describes the "new" Chrome on the iPhone in all its glory shows.
Check out all the most important new features of Chrome 68 here:
That's Firefo x Quantum in duel with Chrome
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