Color radiographic images: CERN technology could lead to better diagnoses


No more black and white: scientists have for the first time created a color X-ray. This was made possible by a new scanner based on a technology originally developed for the LHC particle accelerator. The device records each particle of incoming radiation and can display its different energies in color – this allows simple differentiation of tissue types. Developers expect more accurate images and better diagnoses.

  3D radiograph of a wrist with wristwatch: The bones appear white, red soft tissues

3D radiograph of a wrist with wristwatch: The bones appear white, red soft tissues [19659004] © MARS Bioimaging Ltd.  Zoom "class =" zoom "style =" Width: 14px; height: 14px;

Whether for a look in the jaw or the tightest joint of the ankle: the radiological diagnosis is almost indispensable in medicine. Each German is projected 1.7 times a year using the invisible rays that Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen discovered more than 120 years ago. Radiography is an old procedure – and you can see it despite all the progress. Although the images are now digitally processed, one thing has not changed: the x-rays are in black and white

From the particle accelerator to the clinic

While our photos and screens television make the leap into the color world previously refused. But that could change now. For New Zealand scientists led by Phil and Anthony Butler of the University of Otago in Christchurch have made for the first time a color X-ray of a human body

  Timepix3: l & # 39; One of the Medipix reading chips

Timepix3: One of the Medipix reading chips

This was made possible by technology developed at the European CERN research center called Medipix, which was originally intended for use in the LHC particle accelerator. Behind are a series of chips capable of detecting and imaging particles. These pixel detectors work like a digital camera. Because they record every particle that strikes them, they are also suitable for high-resolution imaging in medicine.

Colors show differences in energy

"The Medipix chip is the most advanced thing in the field right now Images of a quality that no other technique of imaging can not reach, "notes Phil Butler.To capitalize on this potential, the research team combined Medipix technology with algorithms to create three-dimensional and colorful X-rays.

They used the fact that X-rays are composed of a spectrum of different energies: unabsorbed to the same extent as those that are softer and less energetic.The detector recognizes these differences – and they can be differentiated by means of different colors. color coding.

"A better possible diagnosis"

Doctors and patients could benefit greatly from the new X-ray scanner in the future.For the doctor are not only very accurate, images h On the basis of color, he can also see at a glance what type of fabric he is dealing with. "The first studies with the device showed that the procedure allows a better diagnosis," says Anthony Butler.

In the coming months, the scanner will be tested in another clinical examination in patients suffering from rheumatism and orthopedic pain. According to the team, the goal is to bring color radiographs to clinics and practices as soon as possible.

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