Contract canceled: Lufthansa brings back Laudamotion jets


The conflict intensifies: Lufthansa asks Ryanair's subsidiary, Laudamotion, to immediately take back nine jet planes. It's almost half of the fleet.

Like a lot of arguments, it is about money and power. And there are two completely opposite versions of the events. Ryanair claims that Lufthansa delays the payment of more than 1.5 million euros in fees for leasing services from its new subsidiary Laudamotion. In contrast, the German airline claims that the Austrian airline has repeatedly failed to pay for the rental of aircraft.

That's why Lufthansa reacts now. "As Eurowings also needs aircraft, Lufthansa has used its right of termination agreed with Laudamotion in case of breach of contract," the airline announced. Leases for nine aircraft were terminated "due to non-payment". Immediately

Now the judges decide

For Laudamotion it is fatal. As a result, the Austrian airline loses nine of its 19 aircraft. She had 10 jets to revive her mother Ryanair, nine were hired by Lufthansa. Despite immediate notice, Laudamotion does not have to hand over the nine planes immediately. Because the airline has already challenged the termination in court. The hearing will take place on July 20th.

The danger, however, is that Laudamotion can not perform many flights during the current flight schedule.


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