Coop and Migros wound the end of the OVS


When OVS inherited the legacy of Charles Vögele in March 2017, the Italian Basilea chose the Swiss footbridge . The OVS Store Mall M Park Dreispitz owned by the Cooperative Migros Basel was among the first five ex-Charles Vögele stores that were licensed to wear the new dress OVS. Facebook greeting at this time: "OVS Loves Basel ."

Fifteen months later, the poster is different: The Switzerland hates OVS. Capo Stefano Beraldo said goodbye the hard way: 1150 people are unemployed, minority shareholders foam. And many malls are like the M Park Dreispitz : they have to find new tenants for empty spaces that Signore left Beraldo . "We are talking with different potential tenants to find a tailored solution tailored to the needs of the clientele," reports Migros Basel .

The hasty Arrividerci of OVS

It will be easy no. The OVS area in the Dreispitz extended over 1300 square meters – a very large stage for Swiss standards. Not only Migros feels the hasty Arrivederci of OVS. The trail of blood of Signore Beraldo reached at the same time Migros and Coop . More than a third of the 192 Swiss trading centers belong to Coop (40 centers) and to Migros (41). OVS was an important tenant in the 192 local commercial temples, about 55 of the 140 or so stores were in malls .

Coop loses to the calculations of the "Handelszeitung" in their shopping malls at one go 11 OVS branches as tenants. Coop confirms the number, but understates the meaning: "We have a large number of tenants and sales areas in our 40 shopping malls . The vacant sales areas are only a small part of it, "says Andrea Bergmann spokesman for Coop . How much space is already rented again, she does not say. Coop was in close contact with the interested parties

Similarly, the situation with the rival Migros . Here even 13 OVS branches are lost as tenants. Also Migros weighed: "Changes of tenants in a center occur again and again," says Sprecher Luzi Weber . "We will now contact potential new tenants." An insider expresses the situation more dramatically: "The nerves in the departments of the shopping center of Coop and Migros are virgin." With reason, Due to deplorable stationary trade, it becomes more difficult to rent large areas.

The shock of OVS harder than the shock of Yendi

Since then, the temples of local consumption had to digest a big goodbye. When the Swiss chain of fast-fashion Yendi died in 2017, 60 branches were in shopping centers . The brutal withdrawal of Beraldo strikes harder the commercial center says Marcel Stoffel leader of the industrial association Switzerland Council of shopping centers: " The case is more serious OVS for shopping malls because these retail spaces are significantly larger than those that were released by Yendi . "

There are some concessions like C & A Otto and apparently Dosenbach as potential new tenants, but on a large scale, they should not help the centers out of trouble.Costory supports a total of 8 stores, as said the spokesperson and founder son Pascal Weber .In question would be smaller areas up to 500 square meters.According to Weber, it was particularly difficult for OVS to well manage gr andes surfaces and present an attractive product image.

"There are only a few suppliers who are suitable as new tenants for large OVS areas," explains. Even the universal cure of temporary ephemeral shops does not help; Firstly, because they work mainly on very small areas, on the other hand because existing subdivisions of areas are considered very complex and expensive to implement. deliver a concrete number: they have an average of 8.2% deviations. The hasty farewell to OVS is likely to make the situation worse. And to give a new reality to the Swiss shopping centers Stoffel says: "They must learn to cope with the shortcomings, and must be able to achieve reuse."

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