Critique – Resident Biographies


They have the same year and the same birthday: July 18, 1942: One date and three lives. Adolf Ogi, Toni Vescoli and Verena Gloor were the protagonists of the first episode of the six-part SRF summer series "Born on …". This is a simple and illuminating series, solidly produced by B & B Endemol Shine.

What makes us who we are? There is Dölf Ogi, that of Bergler of Kandersteg: "I grew up in rather simple but golden circumstances." He was suffering from the fact that he had not gone to high school. But he fought. In climbing, he learned very early, which means perseverance. And he did it. After being elected to the Federal Council more than thirty years ago, the Bernese Oberlander said: "I am attending Kandersteg Primary School. The Federal Council should also reflect what people are. And people are not just academics.

Sport always sees Ogi as the best school for life: "Sport could help build a better and more peaceful world. Dölf Ogi also suffered deaths. The most important was the untimely death of his son, who died of cancer at the age of 35 years. Life summary of the former Federal Council: "I did that to what I believe in. And I believe in what I do."

Down-to-earth also influenced the career of the singer and musician Toni Vescoli: "I am grateful for my life." Also the "ordinary citizen" Verena Gloor, the young woman in America emigrated there, met a Swiss, later returned to Switzerland and founded a family in Aargau. 19659002] In addition to the three main characters, the salary of the program is provided by old recordings (among others from the earlier "Wochenschau"), which illustrate the world events of the time.The only weakness of the series : The public would like to know more about biographies, so the transmission time should be extended from 45 to 60 minutes, and it is rare that the expansion of a TV format can bring something. 19659002]




                             René Hildbrand

René Hildbrand is a long-time journalist, television critic and author.
For 27 years, he worked for "Blick" and then editor of "TV-Star".

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