Croatia and France ready for World Cup finals | TIME ONLINE


Moscow (dpa) – For the unforgettable moment of a triumph of the World Cup, mobilize the football heroes of France and [19] in Croatia their very last strength.

Even after six difficult games, including three for the small Balkan country even with extension, all the main characters feverishly against the final of the World Cup and want to take over the Gold Cup of Germany in 2014. "We came here to enjoy it," said Croatian coach Zlatko Dalic. Like his captain Luka Modric, the 51-year-old seemed relaxed 30 hours before the kickoff.

"The whole world is watching, I'm not going to put pressure on the players, we do not want to cram or freeze in fear," said Dalic. For the first time, the selection of four million people Sunday at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow against the 1998 world champion conquers the title.

Modric and his teammates only had three days to recover from the 120-minute thriller against England on Wednesday. France who has regulated all his co-games at the World Cup on time, still has one day to wait for the "game of our lives" after the 1-0 win against Belgium (midfielder Blaise Matuidi).

"In the final, you get the power, wherever you are," Croatian veteran Ivan Rakitic said. And Dalic explained, "We have nothing left to train, we just have to rest."

One day after the national holiday in France, the players of the Tricolore team want to thank the fans at home and in Russia with a victory. "We have seen photos and videos, we want to make the joy," announced the offensive star Antoine Griezmann.

For the French it would be the second title, at the World Cup at home 20 years ago, they sat in the semifinal against Croatia 2-1. "We won in 1998 because there was the Platini and Tigana generation before, who were deprived of the title of the World Cup, but who showed us the right way, just as our heirs now know that the dream can be realized because we already have it is true, "said the double striker of the time, Lilian Thuram, in an interview with the newspaper" Die Welt ", carried out in cooperation with the Italian newspaper "La Repubblica".

Croats do not want to be driven mad. "Our coach wants us to relax and enjoy the final," Modric said. And Dalic said: "Whatever happens, we will be happy and proud, we deserve it, and if we win the trophy, no one will be more proud than us because we come from such a small country . "

After Uruguay in 1930 and 1950, Croatia would be the smallest nation to have won the World Cup. However, enthusiasm for the overseas reaches beyond the borders of only 56,538 square kilometers of land. "I have the feeling that hundreds of millions of people are here for us Sunday, I have news from Germany, from all over the world, which makes me really happy," he said. Rakitic.

France and Croatia reached the final with the highest individual class combined with tactical discipline, passion and team spirit. She is not interested in the fact that the French, in particular, have been criticized for their pragmatic, not always intoxicating, play that focuses solely on success. "I do not care how I want this star!" Said Griezmann. "You play a final to win," said Luka Modric, promising, "We'll be 22 warriors."

As much as the star of Real Madrid and his colleagues have the unique opportunity to reciprocate for defeat 20 years ago. "Everyone remembers this match in Croatia," said Dalic. He did not want to talk about revenge, but he said, "Maybe God has given us the opportunity to correct this result."

Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic does not even know "how to endure until Sunday". Frenchman Emmanuel Macron is also looking forward to the match. He wants to go back to Moscow and support the Tricolore Team in the stadium. "A competition has been successful if it is won, that makes us dream," said the head of state before the World Cup.

Coach Didier Deschamps wants to accomplish this task now. For the 49 years it would be the second world title, in 1998 he accepted the trophy as captain. Only Franz Beckenbauer and Brazil's Mario Zagallo have been world champions as players and coaches.

Deschamp's Croatian colleague, Dalic, won the world championship phase as a person, working more recently in the Arab world. His stars as Modric, Rakitic or Mario Mandzukic but he is also under control as Deschamps his best men Griezmann, Kylian Mbappé or Paul Pogba. The Frenchman and his players, who played in the home-based European championship two years ago, have also learned from the biggest mistake of those days. After the win against Germany world champion semifinal, we were too euphoric, said Matuidi. The final lost France after overtime against Portugal with 0: 1. A Deja-vu wants to avoid the French.

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