Crossover with Final Fantasy 14 begins in August


  Monster Hunter World: The crossover with Final Fantasy 14 begins in August

The Monster Hunter crossover: World x Final Fantasy 14 will be released in August 2018 with an update of Monster Hunt "Monster Hunter World". An exact date does not exist yet. In mid-July, however, you can take a look at an appropriate trailer.

The Monster Hunter: The World X Final Fantasy 14 crossover announced at the E3 2018 will be released next August with an update. This was confirmed by producer Ryozo Tsujimoto in the latest issue of Monster Hunter Radio.

The update will add Behemoth's "Final Fantasy 14" as the huntable monster in the world of Monster Hunter World. The first gameplay of Behemoth will begin July 15, 2018 as part of the "Monster Hunter: World Hunting Thanksgiving 2018" at the fair in Makuhari Chiba.

Monster Hunter World: Final Fantasy XIV Behemoth Remains in Summer

Monster Hunter: The Global Action Role Play also includes a summer collaboration with Final Fantasy XIV. As a result, the MMORPG Behemoth as a new …

However, it is clear: "Monster Hunter World" can already be played on both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. The title will also be released this fall for the PC. More information about the game in our survey "Monster Hunter World".

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