Daimler – Truck engine sales stopped – business


In internal controls, it has been shown that in certain operating situations, the limit value for nitrogen oxide was exceeded, the company said. The Federal Motor Transport Authority was informed at the end of June.

Daimler stopped the sale of a six-cylinder truck engine for suspicious emissions measurements. In individual operating situations, the limit value for nitrogen oxide was exceeded in internal controls, said Sunday a spokesman for the commercial vehicle division of the Stuttgart automaker . As a result, Daimler analyzed the engine more closely and reported the results to the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) at the end of June. The engine was used in Mercedes-Benz trucks in Europe until 2013, but is currently sold only in countries outside of Europe. "Until the technical problem is solved, the company decided not to ship this engine as a precaution," said the spokesman. As Daimler explained, discussions with the KBA focus on a technical function of the vehicle's diagnostic system that monitors the cleaning of exhaust gases while driving and notifies the driver of possible malfunctions.

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