Days Gone manufacturers are looking for employees for the new Triple A brand


  Sony Bend:

Currently, Sony Bend's men are still busy with the work on "Days Gone". But a new project already seems in the starting blocks. This betrays an offer of employment.

The date is: Sony Bend is pushing the open-world action game "Days Gone" on February 22, 2019 exclusively for the PlayStation 4 on the market. Fans have to wait a bit before they can play with the zombies. But developers are already thinking ahead of their new project.

It will be a completely new game based on a new AAA brand. This is from an offer of employment: Sony Bend is looking for a senior designer. It was not so long ago, you were looking for a senior programmer of staff gameplay, also for a new triple headline. Due to lack of details, the latest version of the Sony Bend software can not be speculated.

According to the job offer, the colors could be at the forefront of game mechanics. Among the fields of activity of the employee, there is the creation of 39 conceptual images that serve as a template for the color palette and lighting. It is said to be an integral part of the game as a whole and consists of creating splashes of color for environments, characters and cutscenes, according to their "emotional intent" of design and play history. 19659004] Source: [19659007] Also interesting

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