Death Mark is released in Europe for Switch, PS4 and PS Vita


Aksys Games confirmed at the Anime Expo 2018 that the horror experience Death Mark from Experience will also be released in Europe for Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and Playstation Vita. An exact date or an approximate period is not yet known

Death Mark appeared in Japan in 2017 for the Playstation Vita and inspired the horror fans. The visual novel takes place in the fictional H-City district of Tokyo. The protagonist wakes up one day without memories in the neighborhood and finds a strange mark on his arm. The sign means that he will die soon – that was the myth anyway. Only the player goes to a villa where he is supposed to find shelter. There is a way to avoid death, but the protagonist has a lot to do.

Armed with a flashlight, the player must explore different places and break through the mystery. But the nameless hero is not alone in the forest and abandoned school. Monsters and spirits hide everywhere and seek the player for life. Only those who are intelligent, hidden in time or the mystery escapes solves mysterious

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