December test phase – The non-contact bell bag comes


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December test phase

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An evangelical church in Germany has a modern church
Payment device developed, with which the collection paid by EC or credit card
may be. If yes
The income of the collection increases?
In Sweden, it is
Already possible since 2012, the Church of England has accepted since March
Land donations via Mobile Payments, even in France, are accompanied by card payments
to experiment in worship. Now you do not have to be in Germany soon either
The dirty money more in the hand, if you have the bell in the bag
Wants to serve the cult. The Evangelical Church
Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Oberlausitz has a modern means of payment
developed that allows their followers to collect the collection via EC or
Credit card to pay.

The new bell bag still contains a
Cloth bag for coins and bills, but also has an interface for
integrated contactless payment in its take, such as the website
The "Founder's Scene" reports. The idea is not new: as early as 2003, Catholics
The parish church of Linz, Austria, set up a team
to tackle the missing change in donations.

Up to 25 euros without

the integrated display allows the faithful to choose how much
The money they want to give; then put your card on the device – and you're done
the process. It is not necessary to enter a PIN code. The maximum amount for
The donation is 25 euros.

On the one hand, there is a cashless payment trend for the bell bag, according to Fabian Kraetschmer, head of the IT department of the
Lutheran Church. On the other hand, the banks required more fees for the deposit
coins to the bank account – bills are rather rare in the collection
find. "Especially in rural areas, there are considerable challenges:
long routes to collection points, travel expenses, filing fees and
Administration – all this reduces every amount of money, "says

Patent pending

new bell bag has already been registered for a patent. It should be in December
initially in 20 Protestant churches in Berlin, Brandenburg and Saxony
to be tested. The Digitalkollekte s support safety standards in the
Payments on, such as Thomas Katzenmayer, CEO of the Protestant
Bank and project partner Bell Bag, confirmed.

Church plans to extend the digital collection to the whole of Germany. in
The work continues to be a nationwide collection application; also payment stations in the
The exit area of ​​the churches should offer other collection possibilities

On the subject:
Bitcoin and Co: ICF Zurich now accepts donations in cryptocurrencies
Physical and virtual world: digitization from a technical point of view

Digital belief: how smartphones and social media Change Christianity

Author: Reinhold Scharnowski
Source: Livenet /

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