Demi Lovato party party: video Pop Star watch in front of a drug overdose – People


American singer Demi Lovato (25) celebrated the birthday of one of her dancers with a group of friends on Monday and was later hospitalized for an overdose.

Now a video shows that the singer is apathetic and distant

According to the "Daily Mail", Lovato's group went to the "Saddle Ranch" in West Hollywood to celebrate the 28th anniversary of dancer and choreographer Dani Vitale , Half.

A video of her friend Janelle Hanson shows Vitale in front of her birthday cake in the middle of a noisy group, she happily blows out the candles.

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Photo: Brian Ach / AP Photo / dpa

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Half Lovato struggling with alcohol and drug problems Photo: Brian Ach / Photo AP / dpa


The group was noisy, but Lovato had behaved rather discreetly. Several birthday guests posted videos of the evening on Instagram, but they were immediately wiped out after half a Tuesday morning's hospitalization.

None of the participants commented on the evening that was going to be fatal for the musician.

Until now, Lovato and the birthday team went to the Hollywood Hills after the celebration of the singer's house to celebrate an after-party. The next morning, Lovato was found unconscious at eleven o'clock by her assistant and hospitalized.

It is still unclear exactly which drugs were used. A nurse spoke of crystal meth in the blood of Lovatos, in the first reports, however, was the speech of the heroine. Although this was rejected by the environment of Lovato, but that the singer was treated with the antidote Narcan, speaks of an opioid, either heroin or a related drug.

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