Did Winterkorn hide 10 million euros in Switzerland?


Martin Winterkorn threatens new problems. The former boss of VW threatens in extreme cases the loss of all his fortune, though it can be detected as part of the emissions scandal of duty violations. Now it is known: The prosecutor Braunschweig investigation against Winterkorn – he would have a "nest egg" of about 10 million francs transferred to Switzerland, without paying taxes due.

The "Bild am Sonntag" cited a report, according to which the former CEO of VW for suspected tax offenses is determined. Among other things, Winterkorn would have transferred millions to a trust account held by its tax advisor in 2016 and 2017.

From there, the money was transferred to Bank Vontobel in Zurich. Among other things, in a depot that is on the Winterkorns woman. There is a suspicion that part of the transfers is a donation, citing the "Bild am Sonntag" investigators. For that would have incurred more than half a million euros of tax on donations.

Winterkorn's lawyer, Felix Dörr, denies the allegations. The case was "free of any tax complaint," he said. (sga)

Posted on 29.07.2018 | Updated at 15:18

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