Diet: How to protect oranges from blindness


Orange ran: Tropical fruits should be able to save people from losing their sight in their old age, according to Australian researchers.

One orange a day: The healing effect of citrus fruit was confirmed by an Australian study. As a result, it protects against blindness. A single serving of oranges a day is needed.

Curative effect under the skin of orange?

For more than 15 years, researchers at the Westmead Medical Research Institute have been monitoring more than 2,850 adults. For his study, the institute used the Bluemountains Eye Study, one of the largest epidemiological studies in the world

The goal was to determine how oranges affect eyesight.

Some subjects have already suffered before the examination. to macular degeneration. This means that the central area of ​​the retina gradually loses the ability to see the objects clearly. In the end, the disease occurring from the advanced age causes blindness.

The risk of blindness decreases by 60 percent

Daily intake of a portion of oranges, however, protected against complete loss of vision, according to the results of the study [19659005] And very effective: Subjects that included citrus in their daily meals Risk of blindness 60 percent.

It is not only the elderly who are already seriously ill and who take advantage of oranges: the consumption of fruits also has a preventive effect, so that they do not even develop macular degeneration with l 39; ;age. That's what Bamini Dopinath, author of the study, said.

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Tip for those who prefer to drink oranges instead of eating: with a citrus smoothie, the fiber also stays – unlike many juices 39; orange.

Video: Is freshly squeezed orange juice the best option?

Effective with flavonoids

The healing potential may be in the flavonoids of orange, according to scientists. Antioxidants have an anti-inflammatory effect and are also present in other foods. However, previous studies have shown that foods containing omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, vitamin C, zinc or vitamin E, are conducive to macular degeneration (19659005). are. The substances are contained in salmon, spinach, oysters or even lemons.

The study can be found in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition".

Olivia Samnick

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