Dispute at Tamedia Intensifies | NZZ


The employees go on strike, the management is threatened with immediate dismissals, the work force is in solidarity with the strikers: The Tamedia media company is becoming more and more hateful.

Lucien Scherrer

  "Tamedia kills your media": The employees of "Le Matin", "24heures", "Tribune de Genève" and "20minutes" are demonstrating in Lausanne. (Keystone / Valentin Flauraud)

"Tamedia kills your media": employees of "Le Matin", "24heures", "Tribune de Genève" and "20minutes" are demonstrating in Lausanne. (Keystone / Valentin Flauraud)

The internal e-mail ends with French courtesy "cordially", but their message is not very cordial: strikers should not return to work Wednesday morning, at 11 am, terminate their employment contracts with immediate effect. The shipper of this barely concealed threat that exists at NZZ is the direction of the Tamedia media company. This faces mergers, saving plans and impending layoffs for months with protests from the workforce.

Discontent is particularly great in French-speaking Switzerland: the printed edition of the daily newspaper "Le Matin" must be deleted. The publishers of all Tamedia publications in French-speaking Switzerland went on strike on Tuesday afternoon. The management has already issued a press release on Tuesday in which it threatens to dissolve the collective agreement if the strike is not terminated "immediately".

"These threats caused great indignation internally," says Markus Dütschler, co-chairman of the staff committees of "Bund" and "Berner Zeitung", "especially the mail to the strikers". The staff commissions of German publications Tamedia Wednesday afternoon reacted quickly with a declaration of solidarity to his colleagues in the Romandie on behalf of all employees. In this, they are "disappointed" with their employer, who unfortunately plays a pioneering role in eroding media diversity and can think of nothing better than to threaten his employees. Management is invited to live the spirit of social partnership and to suspend the planned end of the "Morning" print by the end of July.

If savings plans are put in place in the daily, 41 employees are threatened with dismissal. It is unlikely that the management of the company will abandon its plans. One thing is certain: the protesters were not impressed by the signals of the executive suite and continued their strike Wednesday afternoon as announced.

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