Division 2: Should provide a lot of content for solo players


Division 2 will also provide a lot of content for solo players, said Chadi El-Zibaoui (Associate Creative Director) at Gamingbolt. In addition, he said that they will also provide solo players in the subsequent course, so after the sale of the game, with additional content. Generally, the content should be replenished for all players, regardless of their level of equipment.

Chadi El-Zibaoui: "The game is completely solo, even the activities involved, and there will be some activities, like the 8 – Personal Raids for which players are gathered with friends in a group, but we have a very strong campaign, a deep story and many secrets.If you are a solo player, you will have a lot to discover in the campaign, from the first day we will provide content for all levels of equipment – not only hardcore fans but also soloists. "

The title, which was developed on a" reconditioned version "of the Snowdrop Engine, will be released worldwide on March 15th. 2019 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Interested players can now register for beta participation.

Most recent video: E3 2018 Game scene of the trailer

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