Remember the application that could not cost anything except $ 1,000? Yes – the App Store for iPhone is 10 years old. Here are the best facts and stories in a nutshell, with two suggestions to Apple.
Exactly ten years ago, on July 10, 2008, Apple launched the App Store. It is often forgotten today, but the first iPhones did not have applications, at least not programs that did not come from Apple itself.
Instead, Apple first tried to use "WebApps". This met with little favor from users and developers and so already came with the second iPhone, the iPhone 3G, an App Store.
The importance of the App Store in the history of technology can not be overstated. Without it, the iPhone and probably the smartphones would probably never have become the big success that they are today. For the tenth anniversary, we will show you ten facts about the App Store and think briefly about how it goes with it.
10 facts about the 10th anniversary
1: With 500 Apps, the App Store started life. The first free application graphics drove the "iTunes Remote", with which one could run a computer or Apple TV from the iPhone. The start time of the best-selling App Store was the game "Super Monkey Ball".
2: There were 2.1 million different apps on the App Store in 2017. That sounds and that's a lot, but the number of apps has decreased compared to 2016. At the time, there were still 2.2 million applications, but Apple recently removed more and more outdated applications from the App Store.
3: There are currently 3,000 augmented reality apps on the App Store. Apple of course believes AR is the future and continues to expand its AR capabilities into the next iOS 12.
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