Do you remember the application of 1 & 000 francs?


The beginnings of the App Store: Most applications were initially downloaded from the computer and then transferred via USB cable to the iPhone. Suddenly, the possibilities of Apple phones seemed almost limitless: "There is an application for that," reads the slogan.

Remember the application that could not cost anything except $ 1,000? Yes – the App Store for iPhone is 10 years old. Here are the best facts and stories in a nutshell, with two suggestions to Apple.

Exactly ten years ago, on July 10, 2008, Apple launched the App Store. It is often forgotten today, but the first iPhones did not have applications, at least not programs that did not come from Apple itself.

Instead, Apple first tried to use "WebApps". This met with little favor from users and developers and so already came with the second iPhone, the iPhone 3G, an App Store.

In the beginning, still released without the Apple App Store: The iPhone. Access to apps came with "iPhone OS 2" in July 2008, turning the smartphone into a versatile multi-tool that we know today.

The importance of the App Store in the history of technology can not be overstated. Without it, the iPhone and probably the smartphones would probably never have become the big success that they are today. For the tenth anniversary, we will show you ten facts about the App Store and think briefly about how it goes with it.

10 facts about the 10th anniversary

1: With 500 Apps, the App Store started life. The first free application graphics drove the "iTunes Remote", with which one could run a computer or Apple TV from the iPhone. The start time of the best-selling App Store was the game "Super Monkey Ball".

2: There were 2.1 million different apps on the App Store in 2017. That sounds and that's a lot, but the number of apps has decreased compared to 2016. At the time, there were still 2.2 million applications, but Apple recently removed more and more outdated applications from the App Store.

3: There are currently 3,000 augmented reality apps on the App Store. Apple of course believes AR is the future and continues to expand its AR capabilities into the next iOS 12.

AR applications are becoming more and more important on the App Store

5: 30% of the business of an application goes to Apple, the rest gets the developer. Even in the growing popularity of Apple's Abodiensten during the first year, only from the second year of subscription, Apple's share drops to 15%.

6: 20 million developers are more or less active in the App Store and …

7: Apple has paid $ 100 billion to the developers of applications during the last decade. There is, however, a "but" that we will discuss immediately after.

With curiosity, Apple wants to highlight special applications. It only works to a limited extent.

8: $ 999.99 costs the most expensive application until here called "I am rich". The application had no functionality and was described by the developer as a work of art. Six users bought the app in 2008, only two of them later wanted to get their money back.

9: Happy New Year: The New Year 's Day is regularly one of the highest rotation days of the year. For example, this year it was $ 300 million, an all-time record.

10: The most downloaded apps of all time are, from 1 to 5, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, YouTube, Instagram and WhatsApp. Have you noticed? Except for Google Kid YouTube, these services all belong to Facebook. This shows how the App Store has also allowed Facebook to dominate social media.

Social media applications, especially those of Facebook, dominate the App Store.

How are the next ten years going?

The App Store is so successful for Apple that it will have little interest in making a substantial difference. The hard work and risk of developing an application to outsource to third parties and only having to bear the minimum cost of infrastructure makes the App Store at a money printing machine for Apple.

Many developers are disrupted by Apple 's large share in subscription services, but will hardly have alternatives because of their dominant market position. Not being present on the iPhone is just not practical for an internet service. Incidentally, Google requires exactly the same amount of revenue. Unless the antitrust authorities intervene here, it's unlikely that Apple will voluntarily yield more than this lucrative cake.

However, where Apple might need action, the method will discover new applications. Today, 65% of all app downloads are followed by a search on the App Store. So users know exactly what application they want, enter their name in the search bar, and then download the application.

In contrast, the discovery of apps while browsing the App Store accounts for only 15% of downloads. This is already the result of an improved design of the App Store with iOS 11, even before it is only 10%. Here, Apple must do more, so not even the fifth application of Facebook made in the top 5. If good applications, but unknown, do not find their way on the iPhones of users, it will be bad for developers like Apple to long term.

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