Does Apple also solve battery problems ?: IOS 11.4.1 makes IPhones burglar-proof



  With iOS 11.4.1, things get better - battery problems too?

With iOS 11.4.1, a lot of things get better – battery problems too? (Photo: Apple)

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Apple releases iOS 11.4.1. The new software makes it more difficult for criminals and authorities to crack iPhones and iPads. If Apple has also solved recent battery problems, stay open. But there is a possible solution.

Apple's iOS software was the last word in the worm, with almost every new of the 15 updates for iOS 11, new problems have emerged. More recently, it was iOS 11.4, which obviously sucked the battery of many users. The most affected were the iPhone 6 models. Now iOS 11.4.1 is here. The software should provide more security – but it also solves the problem of the battery?

With iOS 11.4.1, Apple introduces a new security feature that prevents unauthorized persons from accessing device data. The so-called "USB Restricted Mode" ensures that for an iPhone that remains locked for more than one hour, the device code must first be entered before USB accessories can be used, for example, to connect password crackers. Otherwise, the Lightning port for data connections will be disabled. Oleg Afonin of Elcomsoft security company also notes that users can manually disable the USB port by activating the SOS mode without sending emergency call, but stopping the process beforehand.

More luck for hackers?

With this measure, Apple is acting against the so-called code cracking solutions, with which authorities and criminals can bypass password protection in fact very safe iPhones and iPads. Apparently, it is easy enough to lift this lock, reports Afonin, Elcomsoft expert. So, just plug in a compatible Lightning connector accessory in an hour to reset the countdown. For example, if a USB-3 camera adapter is connected in the time, the lock will not take effect. The adapter then provides a USB input to connect other devices as well as a Lightning input for a charging cable. However, this strategy does not work with the Lightning to Jack adapter.

About the subject

With the USB key, Apple makes its iPhones a little safer. If iOS 11.4.1 but also provides a solution to the battery problems, however, is not clear. The subject is not mentioned in the official release notes of the update and in the update notification on the device itself.

An iPhone user described in the Apple discussion board that the high power consumption is probably related to Wi-Fi connection problems at 5 GHz. If you have problems with battery life even after updating, you can try using only Wi-Fi connections in the 2.4 GHz network. At the latest with the release of iOS 12, the problems should be eliminated. If you do not want to wait, you can already install the beta – but at your own risk because it is not guaranteed that everything goes well with the unfinished software.


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