Does Vanessa Mai sing this vulgar word in a new song? – music


Specifically, there is a line of text in the new title "We 2 always 1", which Vanessa Mai recorded with rapper Olexesh

In the pre-chorus, the 26-year-old sings the line " a lot, too many words in my head ". By swallowing the word " words " something, one could understand with a lot of dirty imagination the insulting term "con"


That's exactly what happened to many fans who express their dissatisfaction the singer's bad vocal choice on the net has given free rein.

Vanessa Mai is rightly aware of guilt. " Once again, this proves that you can not always rely on your senses, your eyes and especially your hearing – sometimes you hear what you want to hear ," she said with a mischievous air. Smile the newspaper "Bild" on the line of text addressed.

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