Dow is up 0.4% to 25.019 points


New York – US stock markets rose again moderately after their recent price performance mostly good Friday. Neither the small number of them, mainly business news received in a negative way, nor the continually brewing commercial conflict could completely put an end to it. The Dow Jones Industrial closed up 0.38% at 25'04.41 points, which brought it back over the round bar judged well for the first time since mid-June. On a weekly basis, the New York index has recorded a net over 2.3%. The S & P 500 at the market scale climbed 0.11% to 2801.31 points on Friday.

The Nasdaq 100 technology-driven selection index has finally increased by 0.13% to 7375.82 points to 7387.74 points Points in the air It was helped by the records of some heavyweights like the mother of Google Alphabet, the Amazon Internet merchant, the giant Microsoft software and the online network …

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