Drake breaks with the new Beatles album | TIME ONLINE


New York (dpa) – Canadian rapper Drake (31) broke all records with his new album "Scorpion" and even surpassed the "Fab Four" and the "King of Pop". Seven of his new songs are currently in the top ten of the American charts, the Beatles have brought in 1964 to five songs. The report of the American music sheet "Billboard" Monday (local time).

Overall, the rapper already had 31 top ten songs in the charts in his career – as a singer, not even managed Michael Jackson. Rihanna also had 31 top ten songs in her career, the Beatles were 34, Madonna 38.

The 25 songs from Drake's "Scorpion" album are currently in the top 100 of the US charts. The album would have been played more than a billion times on streaming platforms in a week – a record too.

The Toronto musician had launched the double album with 25 songs at the end of June surprisingly on the market, he is already his fifth. The multiple Grammy winner has already beaten his previous albums in streaming and has long been among the best rappers. He wants to release his other albums on his own label.

On the album, the Drake bourgeoisie known as Aubrey Drake Graham rapped side by side with Jay-Z, sampled Lauryn Hill and Mariah Carey and sang on seemingly unpublished material of the late "King of Pop "Michael Jackson, there are bass tremors and snaps of snare, hip-hop and soul.

Billboard Report

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