Dress with Uniqlo: seamstresses bleed for Roger Federer


Roger Federer is a global sympathizer without scandal and appreciated. A tennis god conscious of the style, the spectators and therefore the consumers are at their feet. A philanthropist whose foundation supports educational projects in the Southern Africa region and in Switzerland.

Federer, the global model. Whether Nike or Uniqlo – in the envelopes with which King Roger envelops, shapes the sense of style of a whole generation. After the extremely successful relationship with Nike Federer now to the Japanese low-cost brand Uniqlo.

The hard bread for seamstresses Uniqlo

The 36-year-old would receive 30 million francs a year for this mega deal, according to insiders. This would be the best endowed contract that a tennis player has ever received. The partnership should also go beyond Federer's career as a professional actor. Federer's manager, Tony Godsick, concluded the deal. The trap: Japan's cheap brand stands in the pillory.

The fashion house has its textiles made mainly in China and Indonesia, where workers earn little and often malolate in inhuman conditions. And where massive layoffs and outstanding wages are on the agenda. The cases are well documented in the Japanese media.

Now, the Federer brand ambassador has fallen into the textile dump. The non-governmental organization Public Eye is mobilizing against the maestro. Specifically, since 2000, the Indonesian seamstresses who were making clothes for Uniqlo and other companies have claimed compensation of $ 5.5 million.

Uniqlo pays – with the help of Federer

The context is the closure of the Indonesian supplier Uniqlo Jaba Garmindo's factory. As part of the insolvency procedure, the seamstresses received their claims for payment and compensation. To date, Uniqlo and other companies have refused to pay overdue compensation

Public Eye criticizes "lack of social responsibility" and "Uniqlo's refusal to negotiate with unions in Indonesia for the compensation of former workers ". In order to get involved in darling tennis, the organization launches the hello-roger.ch campaign. The hope: With Federer help Uniqlo to install.

Posted on 04.07.2018 | Updated at 13:36

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