Separation alarm in Clooney home: Amal Clooney (40) reportedly met a divorce lawyer behind her husband George Clooney (57), as reported by "OK magazine". It is said that the actor and the lawyer have had a good fight lately.
Amal wants to have another child
The reason for the wedding-sound should be Amal's uninterrupted desire to have children. For her husband, however, family planning with twins Alexander and Ella is over, as one insider told the magazine: "George seduced her to marry him saying that he wanted a big family , but now he says two Children are more than enough, "says the anonymous source.
Amal is jealous
There should have been a strong argument between the spouses. </ p> <p> Amal has finally been ripped apart. she finally got an appointment with a divorce lawyer.In addition to the baby drama, the Lebanese woman should also be extremely jealous, the knowledge continues.That her husband still likes to party at the age of 60 years old is a thorn in her side.He would prefer to have him, he would enjoy quiet evenings with her at home. (Brc)
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