Electronic Arts: The Success of an Exit Exceeds Internal Expectations


  Electronic Arts: The Success of an Exceeds Internal Expectations - The Publisher Wants to Put New Brands

In the current financial conference, Electronic Arts talked about the success of "A Way Out" and the development of new brands. As a result, investments in this area are considerable.

Electronic Arts has supported several independent projects such as "Unravel", "Sea of ​​Solitude" and "A Way Out" under the "EA Originals" banner in recent years. In particular, the adventure action cooperative "A Way Out" was a great success and exceeded the internal expectations of the publisher.

Andrew Wilson, general manager of Electronic Arts, revealed that more than 2.6 million people were attending the financial conference Players have lived "A Way Out" between April and June. According to CFO Blake Jorgensen, the game outperformed sales expectations in the quarter and held up next to "Battlefield 1" and "FIFA Online 3."

It's no wonder that Electronic Arts also monitors new free throw brands. As Wilson added: "In addition to the big games coming this year, such as Battlefield V, Anthem, our current EA Sports titles and Command and Conquer Rivals, we have developed new brands for all platforms, developed with EA Worldwide Studios. Respawn Star Wars: Order of the Jedi fallen during Fiscal Year 20 (between April 2019 and March 2020) and a new project is underway. "

Electronic Arts: The Publisher Expresses Interest in Projects Crossplay and Free2Play

In this annual report, Electronic Arts officials touched on a variety of topics. In person CEO Andrew Wilson announced …

EA Motive is also developing a new brand, while mobile studios are also working on several new titles. In addition, according to Wilson, other projects are underway. "The foundation of every experience will be choice, fairness, value and fun, ensuring that we deliver that to our vast and diverse players," Wilson said.

In addition, subscriptions are designed to offer more choice, less tension and more value to a world of ever-growing content. The cloud game, machine learning and AI will change the way games are created and played. For this reason, Electronic Arts will continue to invest in these areas. According to Jorgensen, the bulk of the investment is focused on new brands, building new studios and hiring new developers. In addition, there are two important titles in development, which will be called more information this year.

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