End of the morning: mourning at the last editorial meeting


The latest edition of the French daily "Le Matin" on paper will be published on Saturday. The writing session of Friday's preparation was marked by sorrow. Editor Tamedia had already declared the canton's mediation an end.

It would be a difficult and sad moment, but the reaction will do its job until the end, said outgoing editor Gregory Nappey at the Keystone-SDA news agency. lematin.ch. In the future, "Le Matin" will only be available on the Internet.

The last print edition should be something special. According to Nappey it becomes a newspaper of the readership, which is moved to the center with photos. The focus is also on staff, whose paths are separated on Mondays. The editors have their hands free to explain the world and to address a final word to the readers, said the outgoing journeyman.

Tamedia ends the mediation

Tamedia was mediated Thursday by the cantonal cantonal government in the conflict with employees declared dismissed. This is not appropriate for the industry.

Instead, the group wanted to focus on the process initiated in March at the cantonal arbitration instance of collective labor disputes. This mainly concerns the social plan. It aims to dampen the impact of layoffs and provide jobs for jobseekers (persoenlich.com reported)

However, the media and trade unions denied that the social partners had left the mediation by mutual agreement, as the Tamedia

Procedure "Handstreichartiges"

The resignation of Tamedia from the mediation was unilateral and without notice to the social partners, they wrote in a message. In addition, the movement is based on a lie. It is wrong to say that the editorial offices in French-speaking Switzerland have consented to the suppression of the printed newspaper.

"Trying to distort the truth in this way is not worthy of a media company", such was the slogan of Imprint and Syndicom, as well as Tamedia's editorial offices in Switzerland West. The whole thing is a simple Alibiübung of Tamedia, in order to "handstreichartig" all the alternative suggestions of the editors to be able to erase.

strike in Tamedia Romandie

At the beginning of July, the employees of Tamedia Romandie in an indefinite strike. Earlier, the group rejected three editorial proposals to save "Le Matin" as the most read newspaper in Romandie. This caused the barrel to overflow.

After three days, the journalists suspended the strike in favor of the conciliation procedure by the canton of Vaud, now terminated by Tamedia.

Tamedia justified the stop of the print edition of "The Morning" by the losses that have persisted for 20 years. Last year, the Morning deficit rose to about 6.3 million Swiss francs over the last ten years, for a total of 34 million Swiss francs.

Despite great efforts, no lasting solution could be found confirm, the company held.

Writing 15 people for digital publishing

In the future, the digital edition will be drafted by a 15-member editorial team. With the hiring of "The Morning" on paper, 41 employees risk losing their jobs.

The Sunday newspaper "Le Matin Dimanche" is not affected by the dismantling. The newspaper will continue to be printed. Moreover, no work is reduced there. (sda / eh)


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