The Minder initiative seems to work. According to a study by the Ethos Investment Foundation, compensation has stabilized in all companies forming the SPI Stock Market Index. Even the smallest companies registered a slight decline.
(nda / awp)
Average compensation remained almost constant, but with large fluctuations depending on the size of the company the study of the results of the general meetings of the first half of 2018. The average remuneration of the CEOs of SMI fell by 7% to 6.8 million Swiss francs in 2017, while the average remuneration of the CEOs of the following 27 companies (SMIM index) fell 8% to 3.7 million. [19659007ThreeyearsofthecannecendationsofthedirectionsmeasuresstabilizedandaddedMethosConflictsthattherightsgrantedtoshareholdersallowverfreevalueswasrelated
Remuneration reports often result in discussions
Since the coming into force of the Regulation, several votes on executive compensation have been the most controversial. summer, wrote the investment foundation. For example, the approval rate for more than 3,500 applications was 96.6%. On the other hand, the average quota of advisory votes on the compensation report was 87.0%. According to Ethos, over 21% of these requests were approved at less than 80%.
Ethos advised more than 200 Swiss institutional investors with fixed assets in Swiss equities worth more than 40 billion Swiss francs. As in the previous year, it was recommended to accept 80% of requests.
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