Expert report on WLTP: EU fears new emissions manipulation


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Cheating, Fraud and No Sense of Injustice: Auto manufacturers are in the limelight and seem to have learned nothing from the exhaust gas scandal. This emerges from an expert report, to which two newspapers invoke

The European Commission clearly has evidence of the new handling of exhaust gases by car manufacturers. According to the "Financial Times" and "Handelsblatt", it is to respect the limit values ​​from 2020. Some manufacturers have configured their test vehicles to inflate the measures in accordance with the new standard of procedure of WLTP test, cited in a Commission document.

It follows that the EU's target for fleet emissions by 2025 and would be mined in 2030. The new WLTP measurement method is more focused on driving behavior real than the previous measurement methods. New models had to be tested according to the new procedure since last year

The report is based on expert assessments of the Joint Research Center, a research organization of the Commission. On average, emissions reported by manufacturers were 4.5% higher than the actual result, citing the paper's "Handelsblatt". Overvalued values ​​should be used to manipulate the starting point for future mandatory savings in favor of manufacturers, is the claim to companies. The Joint Research Center was initially unavailable for comment.


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