Experts report an alarming increase in infections <img class = "picture_image js – lazy picture lazyloaded resrc" src = " /2018/7/23/2f51e3b9-8cfa-4429-b7f3-be82a9c3ccb9.jpeg "data-sizes =" auto "data-optimumx =" 1.9 "data-srcset =" W560 / O = 75 / https: // 560w, = W1120 / O = 75 / https: // 1120w, S = W345 / O = 75 / https: // 345w, /S=W690/O=75/ 690w, https: //img.nzz. ch / S = W1960 / O = 75 / https: // 1960w "data-ratio =" 68.34 " data-width = "3500" data-height = "2392" alt = "A student from Chandigarh, India, participates in an awareness campaign a u AIDS.


International experts warn of an alarming increase in new infections. (Photo: Ajay Verma / REUTERS) "/>

A student from Chandigarh, India, participates in an AIDS information campaign, with international experts warning of an alarming increase in new infections. Photo: Ajay Verma / REUTERS

(afp / dpa) Experts at an international AIDS conference in Amsterdam warn of dramatic global expansion of AIDS-related immunodeficiency syndrome An alarming increase in the number of new infections in particularly affected countries could lead to a "crisis of historical proportions," said American AIDS expert and diplomat Mark Dybul on Sunday before the start of the conference

Dybul has also asked for more money for the fight – the disease – the world is currently "probably less vulnerable than ever to the loss of control of the epidemic," he said. tends and that countries are paying less attention to the fight against HIV and AIDS than in the past – or, in some cases, never.

About 18,000 scientists, activists, patients and politicians will discuss ways to stem the global HIV epidemic this week in Amsterdam. Originally, the Uno Against AIDS (Unaids) program in 2014 had decided to stop the spread of the HIV virus by 2030. Meanwhile, the goal is considered difficult to achieve. . In some countries and regions of the world, "we see that the epidemic continues to increase," warned Linda Gail-Bekker, president of the International AIDS Society

. The 22nd World AIDS Conference, which runs until Friday, is world's largest meeting of experts on immunodeficiency. This year's motto is "Breaking Barriers, Building Bridges". Not only will new therapies be discussed and scientific news presented, but also fundamental patient rights – such as how vulnerable groups around the world can access tests and therapies.

Experts warned Sunday in Amsterdam of dramatic underfunding of global efforts to fight AIDS. Donations and state financial assistance have decreased. According to the director of the UN AIDS Program (UNAIDS), Michel Sidibe, seven billion euros of aid are already missing. "If we do not pay now, we will have to spend more and more later," he warns.

Prevention counts

According to experts, the focus is on antiretroviral drugs for the treatment of AIDS patients. that basic campaigns to contain the disease are increasingly underfunded. Funds for condom distribution actions have dropped sharply, he added. Access to medication without concomitant preventive measures will not help to overcome AIDS.

Nearly 37 million people are currently infected with the HIV virus, most of them living in Africa. Nearly 60% of them are currently being treated, writes Unaids. Every year, nearly one million people die of AIDS. According to Unaids, there have been 1.8 million new infections in 2017. Thus, the key step of bringing to 500,000 the number of new infections by 2020 seems unattainable. The same goes for the plan to reduce the number of deaths to less than 500,000 by 2020 as well.

Increase in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

"We sound the alarm," said a few days ago the boss of Unaids, Michel Sidibé. Although progress has been made in Africa, the number of new infections in some 50 countries is increasing significantly. "The decline in new infections has been most apparent in the region most affected by HIV, Eastern and Southern Africa, where new HIV infections have dropped 30 percent since 2010," says Unaids. In contrast, the number of new infections each year in Eastern Europe and Central Asia has doubled.

In Amsterdam, many celebrities will support the fight against AIDS and fight against the stigmatization of infected people. Expectations include former US President Bill Clinton, British Prince Harry, pop legend Sir Elton John and Austrian artist Conchita.

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