Fear Wolves – Early Access Delayed for Player Comments


  Fear the Wolves accesses early access a few weeks later Fear the Wolves accesses early access a few weeks later.

Fear the Wolves is another developer on the Battle Royale genre, At Vostok Games, however, there are no strangers, but the creators of the Stalker series. In fact, the game is expected to enter the phase of early access on July 18, but now the developers have postponed this version of a few weeks . The reason for this is the players' feedback from the closed beta, which is now extended until early access is anticipated.

On Steam, developers write:

"The positive comments from the community inspired us to launch the The movement also helps us to improve other aspects of the game as we have gained masses of data and player feedback from the test phases. "

Fear Wolves – See Screenshots

Great Update in Beta

Developers also announced that Beta closed will receive a major update that expects further reactions from the players.

In Fear the Wolves, you start with 99 other players in Chernobyl. There you fight not only against humans, but also with the effects of fallout: radioactive radiation dangerous anomalies and wolves. As with PUBG and Fortnite, the area does not close by a narrowing circle, but by different quadrants, which become more dangerous during a game.


Fear the Wolves is published by Focus in association with Webedia, the parent company of GameStar and GamePro. We will do neutral reports on Fear the Wolves but will not test it.

  Fear the Wolves Trailer explains the mechanics of the final part


Fear the Wolves – The Trailer Explains the End-game "Mechanics" of the Battle Royale Shooter Game

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