Federer: "I was expecting more from the team" – News FIFA World Cup: Swiss Nati


After his three-goal victory in the second round of Wimbledon against Slovak Lukas Lacko expressed Roger Federer at the press conference on the departure of the Swiss national team to the Cup of the world. At first, a journalist asked him, "Would it be fair to say that with your current success, you are smiling at Swiss sport?" The Grand Slam winner 20 times replied, "Is it in Switzerland? just so bad? I do not think so.

Federer postponed training on Tuesday to watch Switzerland's round of 16 against Sweden live on television. He was disappointed after the match. "I was expecting more from the team," said the Basel initiator, adding, "But it's only a matter of knock-out . " The 36-year-old pointed out that not only three or eight players, but eleven at the same time must be ready. "It is difficult, I think, in such a collective."

"The World Cup will not be the same"

Switzerland has not created enough of opportunities against Sweden, said Federer. "I have the feeling that it was a missed opportunity, I thought we had a chance against Sweden." In the end, he deserves the victory that creates something more. In the end, there is no bitter aftertaste. "I think we have what we deserve, maybe we are not among the top eight."

Federer also analyzed what might be missing. "I think it's important to understand that you have to bring energy to every day.All year round It's no longer a problem to put it on the ground at times too. crucial. "Of course he could not say if that was the problem." What I know about my career: You can never come to the place lethargically. Or think it comes alone because you played well the night before. You are only as good as your next achievement. "

In the end, Federer resisted the temptation to make the English the favor of standing behind their team." I do not know who I'm going to cheer for. My favorite team is eliminated, the World Cup will not be the same. "Federer is like many other football fans across the country. (sg / ddu / sda)

Created: 04.07.2018, 21:22

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