Fenix: Mozilla develops a new browser


July 10, 2018 –
Mozilla, the maker of the open source Firefox browser, apparently works on a new browser for the Android operating system.

Firefox maker Mozilla is working on a new Internet browser for Android, according to its latest Github repository, first discovered this Saturday by a Reddit user. The upcoming app called Fenix ​​seems to be still at a very early stage of development and Github also reveals little updated information about it. According to "Android Headlines", the name Fenix ​​seems to be a tribute to Firefox because it was the code name of the browser.

While the project was launched four months ago, Mozilla has not actively mobilized resources for the project until June. Mozilla has not commented on Fenix ​​yet. It's also unclear why Mozilla is developing a new browser if the current Firefox browser, according to the official list of Google Play Store with about 100 million downloads, seems to be one of the most popular third-party browsers on Android.

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