Ferrari president Marchionne in critical condition in Zurich


Sergio Marchionne (66), chief and renovator of Fiat Chrysler, recently joked about a press event about his departure to the car company: "My successor will only be notified 30 minutes before his announcement." almost as it was, is all the more tragic. On Saturday, the Italian-American automaker announced that Marchionne must resign because of serious health problems.

Official reason: Complications of surgery. Three weeks ago he was operated on the right shoulder. His last public appearance took place on June 26 in Italy. In the meantime, he is being treated at the University Hospital Zurich – his condition is critical. According to the Italian media, he would suffer from lung cancer and would now be in a coma. Marchionne is known as a chain smoker. Her only sister died of cancer in 1980.

Fiat Chrysler made

He was in a hurry to resign from his job at Fiat Chrysler on Saturday. The president of Ferrari will be John Elkann (42 years old), grandson of Agnelli and president of Fiat. Elkann mentions Marchionne in a letter to employees as "a real mentor, partner and close friend". He made it impossible with Fiat Chrysler. The best work of the group is the British Mike Manley (54). Marchionne 's resignation was only scheduled for next year, with Ferrari he had to stay longer.

Marchionne came from Chieti (I) in Abruzzo and emigrated to Canada as a teenager in 2004 at Fiat. The company was about to go bankrupt. Since 2014 he was Mister Fiat Chrysler. At that point, the two problem companies merged. Since then, things have happened together. In the past year, Marchionne announced a profit jump in January. The car company achieved almost twice as much profit as the year before. At the end of June, Marchionne managed to make believe that his company was finally free of debt.

He wore a tie to celebrate the day. An exception, because for years Marchionne 's uniform consists of a dark sweater and dark trousers. He should have about 30 identical sweaters and jeans in each of his houses. Instead of fashion, he prefers to work with fast cars. With a Ferrari 599 GTB it crashed about ten years ago on the A1 between Rothrist AG and Gunzgen SO. He was lucky: no one was injured

He earned his reputation as a reorganizer in Geneva

The top manager is indefatigable. He prefers to sleep in the private jet or in the car en route. He likes to organize meetings for the weekend. If something did not happen as planned, he vented his irritation

Even Marchionne's success did not succeed: he wanted to grow Fiat and Alfa Romeo in the United States – but the Americans disdained the European car brands

En Besides, this Marchionne deliver too few new car models. And finally, the Fiat Chrysler diesel business will also be covered in 2017. The US Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the company for illicit software against diesel fraud.

On Sunday, SGS Marchionne, a Geneva-based inspection company, replaced the chairman of the board. He worked for the company for 15 years. As CEO, the lawyer and trained auditor has developed there reputation as a reorganizer. The Agnelli family, the main shareholder, was impressed and called the director in Turin (I).

Rich "Switzerland"

His first prize brought Italo-Canadians to Switzerland. From 1997, he was CEO at Alusuisse. After the merger with Canadian Alcan, he became the first CEO and later the Lonza split chairman. He also served on the UBS Board of Directors until 2010.

Marchionne officially resides in Schindellegi SZ, but lives in Blonay VD. On the list "balance sheet", he is in 18th place with 550 million francs and in 2017 he received as CEO of Fiat Chrysler 10.9 million euros plus shares. He also has a property in Michigan (United States).

He is now at the University Hospital of Zurich. He will be accompanied by his two adult sons, Alessio Giacomo and Jonathan Tyler, and his life partner, Manuela Battezzato. John Elkann also visited Marchionne at the hospital bed. According to the Italian "Repubblica" he said after: "Sergio will never come back."

Posted on the 22.07.2018 | Updated at 20:22

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