Film: Pierce Brosnan on Abba pants, Cher and spandex


As agent 007 Pierce Brosnan conquered the world of cinema. He also showed that he is completely different, as a lover singing in "Mamma Mia!". Now, the sequel – and Brosnan tells in an interview, how this time around his singing skills was ordered.

With the role of Remington Steele in the eponymous TV series Pierce Brosnan became the idol. Later, he created action in four James Bond movies.

He is 65 now, and he is not too sorry to dance on the screen with his colleague Colin Firth in spandex pants and wedge shoes. What character he does, you can in "Mamma Mia, here we go again". In an interview with the German press agency, he gives an overview of the filming mood

Question: Ten years have passed since the first film "Mamma Mia!". Did you immediately say yes when Sam's role in the sequel was offered to you again?

Answer: Yes, immediately. I was delighted when the phone rang. I agreed before even reading the script. Okay, I thought, "Meryl is here, is Colin involved?" When it was confirmed, the case was clear to me

Question: Why?

Answer: We had so much fun turning the first part – it's a darling movie in mine's advanced career. It was an amazing event in my life to be in the company of these great actors who are singing the songs of Abba that are so present in my mind and heart since I saw the band for the first time several years ago at the Eurovision Song Contest

Question: What does the Abba music mean to you?

Answer: I was 21 when they won "Waterloo" at the Eurovision Song Contest. Later in his career, they released many lyrics of love songs. He might not be hooked on hearing Abba. I was more on my Reggae and Westcoast music trip anyway. But no matter: you hear Abba, dance on Abba and enjoy the music of Abba

Question: You also sing in the second part.

Answer: I sing, yes. Not as much as in the first part – everyone will enjoy hearing that. This time, I sing a cappella to the song "S.O.S." It's a tender moment. It's a nice little lament in the movie.

Question: The singer and the actress Cher are playing this time. Did you know?

Answer: No, there was no contact before, even though we live in the same neighborhood in California. But I love Cher so much: his voice and his eyes, his career and his perseverance. She brought humility and charm to the whole. It is quite distressing for an artist to encounter a production in progress. But we welcomed Cher with open arms and they welcomed us. And then to get up and listen to how she sings "Fernando" – wow, it was epic!

Question: The loss is a theme of the film. You can identify with that, right?

Answer: Yes, of course, I have had losses in my life, we all know the loss. You must be convinced that you are going through it, continue, stay alive and be open to life.

Question: "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again" also highlights the strength of women. What influence did women have on you?

Answer: I am blessed with strong women in my life. I like strong women. It is imperative to be a strong woman or a strong man for your partner. The #Metoo movement is very important to honor women – the mothers of life. It also seems to be very necessary in America after shocking incidents.

Question: Did you really like slipping in spandex pants and flat boots for the movie?

Answer: (laughs) I would be lying if I said I could not get through it! But it is effective and gives people a smile. And that's what the film should do: it's pure entertainment, pure love and joy. It is said to celebrate mothers, daughters, fathers and lovers in the middle of the intoxicating world of Abba.

PERSON: Pierce Brendon Brosnan comes from the Irish Drogheda. When he left school at age 16, he wanted to become a painter and attended the art school of St. Martin in London. Later, he trained as an actor at Drama Center London, where he graduated in 1975.

From 1982, he made a breakthrough with his role in the series " Remington Steele ". In 1993, he became the fifth actor of James Bond, which he performed in four films. His first wife and daughter died of cancer. With journalist Keely Shaye Smith, with whom he has been married since 2001, he has two sons. The family lives in Malibu, California.

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