Finally! Blizzard has a solution for the level problem in WoW


World of Warcraft makes it a little easier to upgrade twinks. Blizzard has released a patch for WoW, which will at least solve the existing problems at the moment.

Leveling 1-100 will be easier again: Blizzard has taken the upgrade problem for twinks. After massive comments and complaints from the community, Blizzard has adjusted the damage and health of creatures from level 1 to 100:

  • Damage dealt to creatures has been reduced by 16%.
  • The health of creatures
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Leveling in WoW is particularly stressful at the moment

The problems are still not solved

The fix is ​​already in active place. However, the problem that players currently struggle to overcome is still there.

Blizzard plans to make further adjustments during the next week of July 30, 2018. The fix is ​​a preliminary solution.

What is the problem? Currently, many players report difficulty getting level 1 characters to the maximum level: their opponents are beating too hard. Players have little ability to level effectively.

Especially in dungeons, this problem exists.

  • It takes too much time to defeat the enemies
  • and the experience that players receive is too weak

Tested internally with different versions of WoW and confirmed that it is not planned

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Nobody knows how it happened: Problems exist since the pre-patch for the new battle of # Addon for Azeroth. With the patch, the levels of objects were reduced, which gave them life and damage to all the characters.

What made all the opponents stronger or harder to beat? Something went wrong, but nobody knows what it was. The problems went so far, however, that in the Scarlet Halls the players were simply killed at once – the levels were out of the question.

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