Forza Horizon 3: New players revealed


  Forza Horizon 3: A new player unveiled

The open world racing game "Forza Horizon 3" reaches nine million players. The title was released in 2016 for both PC and Xbox One platforms. How many copies of "Forza Horizon 3" have been sold so far, however, we do not know.

Polyphony Digital recently announced that "Gran Turismo Sport" has reached five million players. This stage had long left "Forza Horizon 3" behind. As creative director Ralph Fulton has reported, the open-world racing game even comes to over nine million players.

With such information, however, it is still important to note that the number of players provides no tangible indication of the number of copies. For example, players can count on family sharing and similar offers. As a result, the number of players is usually rather nebulous.

Yet, in the case of "Forza Horizon 3", nine million players are impressive numbers, which creates a happy atmosphere among the developers. "I think more than nine million people have already played at Forza Horizon 3, but if you'd told me at launch that it would work like that, it's amazing, it was for the # 39, team up in a realm beyond the wildest dreams. " According to Ralph Fulton, the title's success.

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"Forza Horizon 3" came in 2016 for Xbox One and PC on the market. With "Forza Horizon 4" is a successor on the move. The title is also developed by Playground Games and comes with Seasons. On the Xbox One X native 4K are offered and since the E3 2018 we know where the players of the last part take it.

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