Frame Eleven: By Architects, Wind Traders and Ski Idols


The BKW group is changing. In a short time, it has developed into a network of energy companies and national and international infrastructures. She is a designer and service provider for energy and infrastructure, as a news agency statement said. Successful networking of skills plays a key role in this area: Successful Networking – Networking Successfully.

The BKW viewer of today should feel the videos. The architect, the contractor, the dry builder, the wind merchant, the director, the ski idol, the scientist, all work with BKW and work with her every day for a viable future . The protagonists in turn give a glimpse of their personal world and their relationship with the theme of energy. This makes BKW more accessible to the viewer. Tangible. More friendly.

"Although we film individuals, they are in turn associated with other protagonists, such as the FMB, so the subject's energy is experienced by the viewer as something very individual, but lived in the network, "describes the designer of the series Marc Haas

Graduated Publication

The clips all have the same basic pattern and last 75 seconds. will be distributed throughout 2018. To date, seven of them have been published and can be found on the BKW website. "With the sophisticated concept of Frame Eleven, all videos work individually and serially. can be adapted to any communication channel.

Because & # 39, it was important to address a wide audience. "BKW is in the process of tran sformation. He wants to refresh his image and anchor himself in the minds of the general public as an innovative service provider. Haas continues as follows:

More films will be released by the end of 2018, becoming an increasingly dense network. Successful networking – successful networking

Manager at BKW: Corporate Communications; executive manager eleven + partners AG (concept and global production): Marc Haas (Creative Director), Oliver Aemisegger (Director), Lilian Lüthi (Producer), Leoni Kool (Multimedia Producer / DOP), Oliver Aemisseger, Leoni Kool (Editing) ), Oliver Aemisegger (notation). (pd / cbe)

Contact for questions or documents:

Lilian Lüthi

executive eleven + partners AG

Shipbuilding Route 10

8005 Zurich

lilian.luethi@frame-eleven .com [19659003] 044 444 34 44


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